
Showing posts from February, 2018

Pro-Active engagement is the right action for India in Maldives

Pro-Active engagement is the right action for India in Maldives Article by Dijo Thomas             Defence Analyst  Foreign Affairs Analyst Indian political leaders, traditionally, were misers in using the Pro-active action and/or Military option, even when warranted. This, even though earned us a label of "Country that stands for peace"; if you analyse in the macro level, were counterproductive most of the time.     Due to this irrational & paranoid aversion for Pro-active action / Military option, even when unavoidable; had led to numerous and substantial setbacks economically, politically, militarily etc. Some of them plague us even today. Maldives itself is a very good example. It is time for us to learn from history and avoid repeating mistakes in the past. When Mohamed Nasheed, Maldives' first democratically-elected President, was unlawfully ousted in 2012...