Is Intelligence Bureau [IB] of Govt. of India engaging in Anti National activities & Criminal Activities?

Is Intelligence Bureau [IB ] of Govt. of India engaging in Anti National activities & Criminal Activities ? As I am Strongly Supporting Indigenization of Defence Products, there are many direct & indirect attacks against me, for many years now. As journalists & Defence Analysts from all over India knows, I am a strong supporter of DRDO, HAL, ADA, BEL, Indian Navy etc. in their efforts in developing & producing weapons locally in India. Those journalists attending Aero-India & other Defence events may recall many instances when I did that. In 2015 Aero-India, in the official Press Conference of the then Air Chief Marshall, you may remember me shooting point blank at him: I told "Chief, the Indian Air Force is trying to Scuttle the LCA Project. ............ " I was the first one to suggest to ADA that the length of LCA should be increased by 1. 1 m ...