When a defiant President continues unconstitutional actions with external support, D - FARPAE is the solution for Maldives Crisis

Article by Dijo Thomas Defence Analyst Foreign Affairs Analyst Strategic Analyst Scientist Wildlife Conservationist Environment Protection Activist Human Rights Activist Police Reform Activist Judicial Reform Activist dijothomas [at] yahoo.com Published on 16 Feb 2018 When a defiant President continues unconstitutional actions with external support, D - FARPAE is the solution for Maldives Crisis In a cold morning on 3 November 1988, it was serene day as usual, in my home village near Kottayam, Kerala, except for one significant thing. The usual musical sounds of different hues of bird species in my lush green village was drowned by some bigger birds flying even higher – the beautiful metal birds of Indian Air Force belonging to the An-32 & Il-76 species. Though I was only a class eight student at that time, as I was deeply interested in Defence & Foreign affairs, it was very clear that a lot of military pl...